
Monday, 12 December 2011

Finally here ..

Hope everybody had a lovely weekend ! My mum and dad finally arrived on Sunday, one day later then planned.. Ive been so excited the whole weekend, but also bit stressed out. Poor parents got stranded at London Heathrow Airport with 3000 others for 24hrs, they missed their flight connection cause of bad weather, and all the hotels at the airport were fully booked.  But they got here in the end ! So happy to have them here over the summer ! Think I might need to start doing some excersise as there will be plenty of mums baking and cooking in the house :-D 

 Me and Blake waiting at the Airport ...

...and our doggies waiting at home !

 Mum & Dad

Got these amazing Zink House lanterns from my parents and Im l o v i n g them !!

..and they all have these cute bangles on them ..

Looks so cozy when they are lit in the evening :-)

Also gave us two of these lovely IKEA Barometer lamps. We put them in our bedroom and it looks great.
I was surprised how heavy they are, 4kgs each !

...another lovely present...candle holders, which will go in our bedroom too :-)

I made a Lemon Meringue Pie.
Yum Yum !


  1. So exciting that your parents are here for the summer! I hope we have some good weather for them soon! I love everything they brought over for you, the lamps and zinc house lanterns are to die for!! xo K

  2. How beautiful to have your parents here for Christmas so happy for you. Oh I just love your presents they look awesome lucky you. Enjoy your time my friend. Have a great day.

    Always Wendy

  3. Thanks girls ! Always great to be with the family and have them over, we live pretty far away from eachother ! But not for long now as they have just got their NZ Residence Visa :-)
